Monday, February 1, 2010

30 Day Shred - Day 3

I'm not exactly sure when this is supposed to get easier, but yowzers! I'm pushing my way through it. I stuggled with this work out because my muscles are completely sore and i'm feeling more then just the burn. Dearest boyfriend did this workout with me again and he spent the rest of the day telling me how bad his legs were hurting him! I'm glad to see that even my very fit boyfriend was having just as much difficulty as I was! Phew! Jillian Michaels is definitely a beast.

My back has been acting up so i'm not on a regiment of anti-inflammatories and ice packs to get the burning fire in my lower back/pelvis under control. I have made the deal with myself that IF I am not better by Wednesday, I will go to the doctor. Until then, I will stick with some left over medicine I have from when this happened a few months ago. Man! Always a wrench thrown in the plans!


BEE said...

dont worry it gets easier
i promise

Amanda said...

I really hope so! I'm looking to do the work out at least 5 times this week. Hoping to bump up to level two! My legs are killing me though!!